Hobbies that Women Find Attractive (Scientific)

Now I am not advocating for lying (okay maybe a little) but you aren't going to increase your chances of getting laid if you start off by telling her you love to wrestle other dudes and go hunting on the weekends. Lets keep that between us and focus on hobbies that are more likely to get you to connect with hot women.

Some of these are legit great hobbies by the way, so lets keep an open mind.

Cooking Your Way To Her Heart

Research shows that cooking skills are consistently rated as attractive across cultures. Why? It demonstrates resourcefulness, creativity, and the ability to not survive solely on protein shakes and microwave burritos. Plus, you get to eat the results and you are a "modern man" who doesn't expect a woman to do all the cooking (although her pitching in would be nice)

All you need is 3-4 really good recipes that are also healthy. Not only can you cook these for yourself to stay super fit (not too much though, cause time is money, which another topic), but it will also show her that you are in shape and health conscious. Maybe you two can then get some extra cardio done in bed after. 

Learn to pair wines with your dishes, nothing will get her wetter. The wine will also make her more loose and likely to get down with you.

Intellectual Pursuits

Research shows that the following two hobbies, regularly tops the charts on women's polls as the most attractive hobbies:

  • Learning languages: shows not only your mental abilities but also hints at adventure. A guy who speaks more than one language is invaluable on travels and visiting new places.
  • Reading actual books: shows intelligence, patience and willingness to learn and adopt new ideas/experiences. Ask her about what she is reading, its a common hobby among women as well. When she goes to your place, nothing will get clothes off faster than a clean apartment with a bunch of books around

Creative Pursuits:

Yeah I dont get why women love these either, the only one I might want to actually do is woodworking but even then.....I am a busy guy. If you do some of these already though be sure to highlight it. I like to tell women I write goals and things I want to improve down and pottery is an "okay" activity to do for a date. At least you are using your hands which can lead to other activities after.

  • Painting
  • Photography
  • Writing
  • Woodworking
  • Pottery
  • Musical Instrument

Physical & Outside Activities

Some of these are decently fun so give it a go. Swimming is also a life skill that everyone should know and you get to see her body.

  • Gardening
  • Swimming
  • Archery
  • Hiking Traveling

The Science Behind Why These Work
These hobbies hit multiple attraction triggers:
Demonstrate competence and dedication
Show ability to learn and grow
Provide natural conversation topics
Indicate emotional intelligence and depth
Suggest you have a life beyond dating apps
Display resource acquisition abilities (evolutionary psychology for the win)
Show you can commit to something longer than a Netflix series

Red Flags to Avoid
Don't turn your hobby into your entire personality
Avoid one-upping others who share your interests
Skip the humble brags on social media
Don't force your hobbies into every conversation
Remember that "watching sports" isn't a hobby, it's a pastime
The below is an image, ranking by % what women find attractive:

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