How to Get Girls to Respond
Lets face it, most guys are awful, and I mean AWFUL at messaging women on dating apps and over text. They are either way too forward and jump to sexual texts immediately, or are way too generic and boring. You want to be in the goldilocks zone: funny, confident, hinting/teasing, so she will come out to meet you for more.
Even if you have a great profile, pictures and openers, dating apps can be brutal, and women might not respond even after all that, but don’t worry, this guide is going to get women coming to you and get you going out on dates and having hot sex.
pick up hot babes like her, with the right messaging strategy
The Basics & Context:
The basics are key – if you aren’t attractive (which you can change) and your photos suck, then you need to read our basic guide first before you even continue with the below.
Assuming you have all of that sorted out already, lets talk about messaging.
You need to understand that women on dating apps get bombarded with messages. We're talking hundreds. Your "hey" is probably the 57th one she's seen today. You need to really stand out from the crowd.
Getting Your Head Right
- Stop obsessing over every match like it's your last
- Quit the desperate vibe - it shows in your messages. (and if you are desperate, that means you probably aren’t getting enough matches, so I again will point you to getting that sorted out first, with becoming in shape, attractive and getting good photos/profile set up)
- Keep multiple conversations going - don't put all your eggs in one basket
- Some women are on there to waste your time, aren’t real or have no intention of responding or going out. They might just be collecting likes/matches. A not insignificant % of women fall into this bucket
- Don’t take things personally – dating apps are meant to be a filtration system, just because not every girl matches and wants to meet you in person, doesn’t mean you should just throw your hands up (we see a lot of guys like this)
- Focus on improving, honing in on attractive women who actually want to go out, and how do you message them properly to close to deal.
- If you match with 50 women a week (which with our system should be easy), you only need 10% of them to convert to go out on 5 dates a week. If you do it right, about 25-40% of them should go out with you.
There could a multitude of reasons why a girl isn't responding to you. The common ones are:
· She is just collecting attention/matches and was never interested in going out
· Upon further scrutiny, something in your profile or messaging has thrown her off
· She is getting bombarded by other guys and you are lost in the mix
· She has chosen another guy instead of you
· Women test guys to see how they react to poor behavior
Now the below isn't going to solve the first two cases, but the latter three are very common.
Here are some confident and flirty messages will help restart the conversation if she hasn't responded to your opener:
- Did someone kidnap you? Blink twice if you need rescuing
- "So... did you get lost in the Bermuda Triangle, or are my messages just really bad at traveling?"
- "Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza, or is this where we find out we’re incompatible?"
- "I’ve been patiently waiting for the message that was going to blow my mind… is it still loading?"
- "If you could teleport anywhere right now, where are we going?"
- Your taking an awfully long time to come up with the perfect response to my last message?
- Should I keep holding my breath? Cause you already took it away once
Here is an example conversation in action where a hot tall blonde ignored me after my first question. I followed up 2 days later with a fun teasing question, when she didn't respond and got a reply a few days after that. We ended up meeting and banging.

In my experience, women are going to pull the “not responding to you” nonsense at least once early on. Usually before the date even begins
Having a witty response that keeps it playful but also forces here to actually address why she’s not responding is key to making it clear you are a high value person. You aren’t going to lose your temper over something small but you will address things that are problematic and push the date forward.
The most common excuses women will reply with if she is still interested will be:
“Ohhh im sorry, I forgot about this app”
“Sorry I was busyyyy at wooork”
Response texts like this are a good sign she still wants to go out with you and you passed the test. And yeah I don’t like that women pull this shit either, but it’s the way of the world. We don’t make the rules of biology, just learn to play the game properly.
Here are two more examples below:, both ended up being women I saw for a while and had hot sex with:

The Golden Rules
- Keep it light and fun
- Show genuine interest without being desperate
- Be patient but not passive
- Know when to move on
Red Flags to Avoid
- Getting salty about slow responses
- The dreaded "why aren't you responding?" message
Remember: Dating apps are like fishing - sometimes you need to try different spots, change your bait, and know when to reel it in or cut your losses. Stay confident, keep it real, and don't take it too seriously.