Part 1 - Foundations & Mindset

Modern dating is difficult but not impossible. In fact its easier than you think. If you want to go on multiple dates a week with 9s and 10s, there are some fundamentals you need to get right before you even start swiping/approaching women.

Without these, you stand absolutely no chance and will just keep going in a frustrating circle.

Stop waiting for it to happen and start making it happen.

Women aren’t attracted to guys who whine about their situation. They want men who handle their business, take care of themselves, and live like winners. If you’re ready to step up, here are the 3 key things you have to get right first.

Number One: Get Your Career and Money Sorted

Money isn’t about flashy cars or expensive dinners—it’s about control. When you have your finances locked down, you’re living life on your terms. Women notice men who are driven and financially stable. They see a guy who’s got his act together and knows how to handle himself.

Also date cost money, 99% of women even in 2024 are going to appreciate, if not expect the guy to pay for a date. Whether its just simple drinks or even dinner, you need to have cash to spend. Walking around the park ain’t going to cut it.

This site and guide isn’t going to tell you how to make money, you need to figure that out on your own, but here are some key factors to consider:

  • Stop Settling for Crap Jobs: If your job sucks and pays peanuts, fix it. Learn a new skill, get a better gig, or start a side hustle that makes real cash.
  • Get Good at Something Valuable: Coding, sales, marketing, trades—pick a skill that’s in demand and solves an actual problem
  • Network with the Right People: Find mentors and surround yourself with successful people. Success rubs off.
  • Manage Your Money Like a Pro: Budget, save, and invest. Stop wasting money on useless junk and focus on building wealth.
  • Work Life Balance: this is key, as dating can be time consuming, from swiping, to planning to spending a night with a girl, you need to have time to yourself

If you are broke/poor, this needs to be fixed first. Everything else will follow but without this, its going to be like running a marathon with an anchor attached to your ankle.  

Number Two: Your Looks

Yeah it sucks and life is unfair, but we need to be realistic. YOUR LOOKS MATTER. If anything it matters probably more than anything else when it comes to meeting women. You want to be with women who want to be with you. Sure there are sugar daddies here and there who can bypass this with money but we want women to WANT YOU.

If you look like a bum, your going to date like a bum.

Your appearance is your first impression. If you look like a guy who doesn’t care, women won’t either. Taking care of how you look shows you respect yourself and the people around you.

Here are some key things you need to do at the very least:

  • You can’t be fat: if you are overweight, go lose weight now. That means proper diet, exercise, drop the junk food. Don’t make excuses about how “its genetic”, just stop eating so much and so sloppy.
  • Having a Good Sport/Exercise Routine; this will help with the above, but will make you feel more confident and get you on the right path. Also the gym and activities are a great way to network and meet women who are in shape and attractive.
  • Fix Your Wardrobe: Ditch the baggy, outdated clothes. Invest in sharp, well-fitted outfits that highlight your body. Think fitted jeans, tailored shirts, and clean sneakers or boots. They don’t need to be expensive or luxury names, go to Zara for example, look at some combinations online and get 3-4 solid outfits for each season.
  • Master Basic Grooming: Keep your hair trimmed, your face clean, and your breath fresh. A regular skincare routine and decent cologne go a long way.
    • Bonus: guys whose hairline is starting to recede or hair looks like it’s a half burn forest. Do everyone, including yourself a massive favor and just shave it and go bald. You look better and women like it too. Holding onto something that is going is just sad and women can sense the insecurity.
    • A good grooming set can be purchased here: Full Body Grooming Set
  • Additional Add Ons Style: A great jacket, a watch, or a signature scent can make you stand out.
  • Your Height: this is the most difficult as its entirely out of your control, most guys aren’t going to be 6ft plus but as a man who is average height at best and has dating models, 10s, influencers, minor celebrities, etc. I can tell you, this isn’t as important as you think if you get everything else right. For the love of god don’t do something insane like lengthening your limbs but there is nothing wrong with buying some 1-2 inch lifts. Just make sure its not too much cause it will really be noticeable when you take your shoes off. (btw for people who are against using lifts, you are naïve if you don’t think women do the same and don’t choose shoes that make them taller, and im not talking about just heels)

Number Three: Confidence & Mindset

And lastly, you need to have confidence in yourself. It sounds cliché but this is critical. If you text or talk in a bumbling way, women can detect that. You need to be willing to walk away from a match or a girl at any point because NO ONE IS BETTER THAN YOU.

Actually believing that will reflect in small actions, the way you talk, how you behave, the words you choose.

Dating should be fun, focus on yourself, focus on improving a little bit every day, and things will fall into place. Do not let short term setbacks, or one bad date, or one girl that leaves, impact you on your journey.

Once you are in a decent spot with all 3 of the above, then lets proceed to the next step

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