Part 2 - Getting Good Dating App Pictures

How to Take Killer Photos for Your Dating Profile

Women get bombarded with hundreds of likes and messages. Average, half-assed pictures won’t cut it. The right photos can make or break your matches, and the good news is, you don’t need to be a professional model to look like a catch. You just need to know what works. Here’s your ultimate guide to taking photos that make you irresistible:

Lets first start with what we do NOT want to do:

  • Mirror Selfies: They scream “lazy” and “no effort”. Its hot for women but doesn’t work for guys.
  • Shirtless: for 99% of guys you can/should avoid these.
  • Group Photos Where You’re Hard to Spot: Make sure it’s obvious who you are, nothing is more annoying than trying to figure out who is who. I personally have zero photos of me in a group. The only possible exception is 1 picture where you are with other women.
  • Low-Quality Images: Blurry, pixelated, or poorly lit photos are a turnoff. This should be obvious but I am always shocked at how many men just have bad base pictures.
  • Be Relaxed: guys who stare too intensely or smile too much look unhinged.
  • Avoid Pictures with Turn Off Hobbies: news flash, most attractive women don’t want to see you holding a dead fish or animal, especially if you are near cities.
  • Close up photos and selfies: if you got 2-5 pictures of yourself of close up selfies, just give up now.

Steer clear of these mistakes, and your photos will shine. I cannot tell you the number of guys we coach/work with where all their pictures fall into one of these above categories and they are FLABBERGASTED as to why they don’t get matches.

Examples of bad pictures: 


super awkward angle, looks unhinged



too close and awkward angle, lazy photo



good looking guy but bad background, setting and lighting



yeah im sure women like not seeing your face and being able to smell the picture



is this a dating profile or a riddle? which one are you?


Overall Plan

Ever hear the expression “girls just want to have a good time”. Your profile needs variety to signal that you will be a fun date and that you are a confident + adventurous man (which you are).

Women want to see different sides of you—not just the same selfie five times over.

Here are the types of photos you want:

  • Full Body Portrait Shot: Think of a model profile shot, let them see your full body type
  • Outside Adventure: Pictures of you doing something you love (sports, hiking, cooking). These shots show personality and make great conversation starters.
  • Vacation Photos: might be a subset of the above point but popular destinations that show water, money, luxury locations will be a good signal to potential dates
  • Hobby Pictures: You know hobbies women do you like? Reading, biking, hiking (not a disgusting fishing or hunting photograph, we like these things too but we don’t put it on our socials)
  • Animal Pictures: Nothing like a dog to show you are a responsible adult, or even better a horse – shows you have an adventurous side while bonding with an animal

Examples of good pictures: 


Here are some other key tips and things to keep in mind when sourcing good pictures:

  • Dont be self-conscious, a decade ago you were a freak taking a picture of yourself outside but now its super common. Take your time when taking pictures and act natural.
  • Good lighting and setting. In my opinion, 60-80% of getting a good picture is in the planning. 
  • Phone cameras are fine, a lot of the apps downgrades the quality of the pictures (especially tinder) so dont spend $$$$$ on a new camera
  • Bring a friend and get second opinons

Getting good pictures is key before you even start getting on the apps. Its a time investment worth the payout, having subpar pictures will only lead to even more wasted time and frustration down the line.

So if you dont have good pictures, stop reading and go get them. Once you have them then come back and proceed to the next step

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