Part 5 - Key Filter Settings, Swiping and Getting Matches

Filter and Age Settings:

  • Set Realistic Filters: Don’t over-restrict height, distance, or other preferences. Keep filters broad, even if you live in or by larger cities.
  • Adjust Age Ranges: This is the key filter I use, consider age ranges that align with your goals, I tend to be more about variety so I like women both younger from 18 to 30 (my age) and women up to around 35. Keep in mind that if you like younger women, there are only so many of them on the apps just statistically speaking.
  • Location Filters: Another filter I do use, I try to keep people within 3-4 miles of where I am. Too far and it’s a pain to plan dates and retain longer term so not worth the hassle. Something that is super annoying about the apps is that this filter doesn’t always work, especially on Tinder so you are subject to scammers and women from other countries looking to finesse guys in the US/EU for citizenship.
  • Orientation Filters: women who are bisexual tend to be more adventurous and you can start going for threesome situations. This is a really restrictive filter though, so although I like it, you can run our of profiles to swipe pretty quickly

Swiping Strategy, Mindset and Setting Goals

Don’t listen to what the apps say, swiping IS A NUMBERS GAME. In general, the more you swipe, the more matches you get. Here are some rules and strong suggestions though:

  • Don’t swipe right on everyone. At least take half a second to determine if the girl you are looking at is attractive to you or not. If she is, swipe right, if not – swipe left. Its that simple. Some guys are so desperate for a short term dopamine kick, they use an auto swiper or just swipe right on every single girl. That is a good way to get kicked in the balls by the apps and not have your profile show up
  • Don’t Pay Attention to All the Details: Don’t spend more than 1-2 seconds on each profile. I spend less than 1 second. My mindset is “do I want to sleep with this girl, yes or no”, and make a decision from there. I maybe look at the second picture like 5% of the time. If/when you match, you can scrutinize then.
  • Timing Of Swiping Doesn't Matter but Does Matter for Boosts: most apps will just add you to the stack for women to swipe yes/no on. This is why priority is so important cause it will place you higher on that stack so timing doesn't matter as much (or at all) when it comes to swiping. BUT it does matter a lot on when you use the boost, I like to use it on Sunday nights and maybe Monday nights when people are planning to make dates for the upcoming week. Do NOT use it during off hours, holidays or times where people are out and about (ie. Fri/Sat nights)

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