Part 6 - Messaging and Texting
You got a match with a hot girl, congratulations!!!
This is only one step of many though, you could look like a model but the wrong approach to messaging will get you lost in the sea of other dudes bombarding this girl on the apps/text.
Sending the right message will help you not only stand out and secure a date, but prime her for even more. On the flip side, poor messaging can make you come across as needy, awkward, or forgettable.
This guide will help you master the art of confident and engaging messaging on dating apps and via text.
The Foundations of Great Messaging
- Be Confident, Not Cocky Confidence is attractive, but overdoing it can come across as arrogance. Confidence shows that you value yourself.
- Tailor Your Messages Personalization shows effort and interest. Mention something specific about their profile instead of relying on generic openers.
- Use Humor (When Appropriate) Women like puns, I don’t know why, but they do. Have a few in your back pocket for those profiles that don’t give you much to work with
- Maintain a Positive Tone Positivity is magnetic. No one wants to date a loser guy who is isn’t doing well with dating. Avoid projecting issues from your past relationships, your bad day, or frustrations with dating apps.
Here are some great examples of great opening messages that project the above:
- I love your outfits and vibes, where do you get your clothes from?
- I noticed your profile mentioned hiking. What’s the most exciting trail you’ve done?
- That photo of you at the beach is awesome. Are you more of a summer or winter person?
- You’re into cooking? Whats your favorite recipe?
- I see you like books. What are you reading right now?
- I’m intrigued by your travel photos. Do you prefer solo trips or group adventures?
- You’ve got a great sense of style. Do you shop vintage, or is it all your own flair?”
- You’re into fitness? What’s your go-to workout routine?
- I love your wild vibes, whats your favorite vacation spot?
- I see you’re a coffee lover. Whats your go-to cafe?
- If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber
- Whats your wifi password? We definitely have a strong connection.
And then here are examples of super generic messages and openings that are doomed to fail 95% of the time:
- Hey, what’s up?
- I hate this app. No one ever responds.
- What’s a pretty girl like you doing on this app?
- Hey beautiful! Any fun weekend plans?
- Wow your so hot, can I take you out sometime?